AKA PIneapple fiber
What is Piñatex?
Piñatex is an innovative non-woven textile made from waste pineapple leaves, a waste product of the major pineapple farming industry in the Philippines. Inspired by how some traditional FIlipino garments were created using pineapple fibres, Piñatex exemplifies how ancestral customs can be reimagined in contemporary ways to comport to modern demands.
1) Strong lightweight and flexible
2) Made from sustainably source natural fibre, containing no harmful chemicals or animal products
How is Piñatex made?
1) Following pineapple harvest, suitable waste plant leaves are collected and bundled. Long leaf fibres are extracted from the leaves using semi automatic machines.
2) The fibres are then washed and dried naturally by the sun or in drying ovens during the rainy season. Once dried, the fibres undergo a purification process which results in a fluff-like material known as PALF.
3) PALF is mixed with a corn based polylactic acid and is mechanically processed to create Pinafelt, a non-woven mesh that forms the base of Piñatex. The Pinafelt is shipped from the Philippines to Spain or Italy for specialised finishing. 16 pineapple plants produce approximately 480 pineapple leaves, which can yield up to one square meter of Piñatex.
Key Features:
Additional Income
100+ jobs are created in rural Philippine communities and the sale of waste pineapple leaves provides local farmers with additional revenue. In 2020, pineapple farmers earned over £200,000 additional income as a secondary stream of revenue.
Carbon Emissions
In making Piñatex, 264 tons of Carbon Dioxide are saved by using instead of burning 825 tons of waste from the pinapple harvest.
Organic Dyes
Piñatex is dyed using GOTS certified dyes to acheive their range of colours.
Piñatex is not 100% biodegradable. At the end of its life you can shred it to make it into geotextiles. This can be used to help protect the soil from erosion.